Last month I finished up a site for Stefan McGuire with A-Team Home Inspections.  The requirements for the site were relatively simple: A static website with a brouchure like style that highlights core services, shows testimonials and provides a way for prospects to contact the client.  After further digging we agreed that it would make sense to install a photo albums section that the client could update themselves.

Here are some screen shots from the website:

The photo gallery uses an API from Google’s Picasa Web Albums to source the images which allows the client to upload new images whenever they want.  It is really a slick plugin if you do not need something very robust and just need the ability to manage a photo album.  Visit to get the code to integrate Picasa Web Albums into your website.

For the lightbox plugin we used the Fancybox plugin which use jquery and allows for iframes, images, videos from Youtube and more.

Check out the whole A-Team Home Inspections website and let us know what you think!

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