Show Excerpt Custom Length
Here is how to show the excerpt with a custom length of characters that will not cutoff the word. You also do not need to add anything to fucntions.php for…
Here is how to show the excerpt with a custom length of characters that will not cutoff the word. You also do not need to add anything to fucntions.php for…
Here is how to remove the p tag from automatically generating when you use the_content. In the template file you want to strip the p tag from simply add the…
Here is how to add custom icons to your custom post types in the Wordpress Admin area. These are also know as Dashicons. For this we will be using icons…
The following snippet will display all the Wordpress posts in a dropdown list. <form action="<? bloginfo('url'); ?>" method="get"><select id="page_id" name="page_id"><!--?php global $post; $args = array( 'numberposts' =--> -1); $posts =…
Sticky content is a div that will stay at a certain point on the page even after scrolling. Also known as a sticky bar. Here is how to accomplish this…
Adding the following snippet to functions.php will allow Wordpress users with the permission of "editor" to actually be able to see and edit Gravity Forms in the admin area of…